If you live in a no-fault accident state, you're responsible for your medical care after an accident. That's where your no-fault auto insurance policy comes into the picture. In most cases, your no-fault car insurance will be enough to cover your medical expenses. But, that's not always the case. If you're injured in a car accident, you might have the legal right to file a claim against the at-fault driver. That's especially true when certain situations are met. Read the list below. If you've suffered any of these issues due to a car accident, it's time to hire a no-fault insurance attorney. A no-fault insurance attorney can help you get compensation for your injuries. 

Permanent Impairment

If a car accident has left you with a permanent impairment, it's time to talk to an attorney. It's not uncommon for car accidents to cause permanent impairments. Some of those impairments can include measurable loss of hearing, sight, or movement. A permanent impairment doesn't need to result in a permanent disability. The impairment only needs to affect your way of life. If that's happened, talk to a no-fault insurance attorney. With the help of an attorney, you can file a claim against the no-fault insurance policy. 

Permanent Disability

If you have a permanent disability as a result of your car accident, you need to talk to an attorney right away. You might think that no-fault insurance means that you can't get help for your disability, but that's not the case. Permanent disabilities can take away your ability to work and care for yourself. A no-fault insurance attorney can help you get compensation for your permanent disability. That includes continued care for your medical needs. 


If you suffered a dismemberment during your car accident, don't wait to seek legal help. Dismemberment involves the loss of any limb. That can include the loss of arms and legs. But, dismemberment can also include the loss of fingers and toes. If you've lost a body part due to your car accident, you'll need continued care. That could include prosthetic care and rehabilitation. A no-fault insurance attorney can help you file a claim against the at-fault driver.  


If your car accident left you with permanent scars, talk to a no-fault insurance attorney as soon as possible. Disfigurement goes beyond physical scarring. Disfigurement can also leave you with permanent emotional scars. If a no-fault insurance policy is keeping you from getting the compensation you need, an attorney can help.
